3Com 5000 ATM Computer Hardware User Manual

PacketChannel Backplane Description 1-8
Slot Restrictions Per Backplane 1-8
Sample ATM Backbone SwitchModule Configurations 1-10
Basic Configuration 1-10
Dual-Homing Configuration 1-11
Dual-Homing/Module Redundancy
Configuration 1-12
General Definition of LAN Emulation 2-1
LAN Emulation Components 2-3
General LANE Components 2-3
LAN Emulation Client (LEC) 2-3
LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) 2-3
LAN Emulation Server (LES) 2-3
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS) 2-4
ATM Backbone SwitchModule LANE Components 2-4
Bridgeport-LEC 2-4
Virtual Bridge (vbridge) 2-5
Emulated LAN (ELAN) 2-5
LAN Emulation Data Exchange 2-5
Protocol Stacks 2-5
Packets Versus Cells 2-6
LAN Emulation Connections 2-7
Control VCCs 2-7
Data VCCs 2-8
LAN Emulation Operation 2-9
Initialization 2-9
LECS Connection 2-10
Configuration 2-10
Joining 2-10
BUS Connection 2-11
Data Movement 2-11