Agilent Technologies E1364A Switch User Manual

The OUTPut command subsystem enables or disables the "Trig Out" port of
the Agilent E1300B/E130lB Mainframes or on the Agilent E1405/E1406
Command Modules.
Subsystem Syntax OUTPut
[:STATe] <mode>
[:STATe] OUTPut[:STATe] <mode> enables or disables the "Trig Out" BNC port on
the rear panel of the Agilent E1300B/E1301B Mainframes or on the Agilent
E1405/E1406 Command Modules. OUTPut[:STATe] ON | 1 enables the
port and OUTPut[:STATe] OFF | 0 disables the port.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
boolean ON | OFF | 1 | 0
Comments Enabling Trig Out Port: When enabled, a pulse is output from the
"Trg Out" port after each scanned switchbox channel is closed. If
disabled, a pulse is not output from the port after channel closures.
The output pulse is a + 5 V negative-going pulse.
Trig Out Port Shared by Switchboxes: When enabled, the "Trig
Out" port is pulsed each time a scanned channel is closed. To disable
the output for a specific switchbox, send the OUTPut[:STATe] OFF
or OUTPut[:STATe] 0 command for that switchbox.
Related Commands: [ROUTe:]SCAN, TRIGger:SOURce
*RST Condition: OUTPut[:STATe] OFF (port disabled)
Example Enabling Trig Out Port:
OUTP:STAT ON Enable "Trg Out" port to output
pulse after each scanned channel is
[:STATe]? OUTPut[:STATe]? queries the present state of the "Trig Out" port. The
command returns 1 if the port is enabled or 0 if the port is disabled.
Example Query Trig Out Port Enable State:
This example enables the "Trig Out" port and queries the enable state. The
OUTPut[:STATe]? command returns 1 since the port is enabled.
OUTP:STAT ON Enable "Trig Out" port
OUTP:STAT? Query port enable state
Chapter 5 Agilent E1364A Form C Switch Command Reference 51