RADIUS Server Please input the port number of radius
Port (12): server here.
RADIUS Server Please input the port number of radius
Password (13): password here.
After you finish WEP setting, please click ‘Apply’ button (10) and the following message
will be displayed on your web browser:
Please click ‘Continue’ to back to previous setup menu; to continue on other setup
procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please
wait for about 30 seconds while router is rebooting).
2-8-3-3 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA):
TIPS: Some examples of WEP key
(Don’t use those examples; use the one of your own!):
ASCII (5 characters): pilot phone 23561 2Hyux #@xmL
ASCII (13 characters): digitalFAMILY 82Jh26xHy3m&n
Hex (10 characters): 287d2aa732 1152dabc85
Hex (26 characters): 9284bcda8427c9e036f7abcd84
To improve security level, do not use those words which can be found
in a dictionary or too easy to remember! (‘pilot’ and ‘phone’ listed
above are bad examples; just intended to show you how a WEP key
look like). Wireless clients will remember the WEP key, so you only
have to input the WEP key on wireless client once, and it’s worth to
use complicated WEP key to improve security level.