
PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
3. Command for restoring from CD:
rstlib savlib(ALKMVS) dev(opt01) vol(ALKMVS)
mbropt(*all) alwobjdif(*all) rstlib(ALKMVS)
where opt01 is your CD-ROM drive.
Make sure all objects were restored. You can ignore security
warning messages. It is okay if MIDQUE does not restore because
this file is created later on.
NOTE: The ALKMVS Library CD was created using Kisco
Information Systems’ BlueCD, which allows you to create AS/400
readable SAVLIBs on a PC CD writer. A small percentage of users
may have difficulty restoring the ALKMVS Library with the above
command. If you experience problems:
Type RSTLIB, then:
a. Specify the library ALKMVS and the appropriate optical
b. Press <F10> for more options
c. Specify *ALL on database member options
d. Specify *ALL on allow object differences.
4. The system administrator should make the library ALKMVS available
to users at sign-on time. There are two ways to insert ALKMVS into
the library list:
a. The WRKSYSVAL command can be used by typing
WRKSYSVAL, and then searching for the QUSRLIBL entry.
Insert ALKMVS.
b. If your users are using a job description in their user profiles,
then use the CHGJOBD command (type CHGJOBD) and
insert ALKMVS.
For Innovative Computing installations, a command is available to help
insert a library into the library list. ALKMVS should be the first library
in the library list. (NOTE: Run this command from a typical ICC
user account or profile, not QSECOFR). Enter the following:
(insert) ALKMVS