PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
3. Password Considerations - There are several areas to consider with a
Client Access Express installation. Client Access Express offers three
Password options. You can choose to have the PC logged on manually to
the AS/400, have Client Access Express use the Windows User Name
and Password, or you can specify a user profile and have the password
typed in as needed.
The default user ID is the User Profile that the mileage server PC will be
signing on to. This user will need the authority to create and delete data
queues in either the ALKMVS Library or your Innovative Work Library.
If you choose to use the Windows User and Password, you have to have
the Windows User Name and Password match the user profile and
Password that you will be using for your mileage server PC to sign onto
the 400 with. The Windows User and password must exactly match those
in the user profile you are using.
In the event of a power loss, the PC will not connect to the AS/400 until
someone manually types in the Windows password. To get a PC to restart
without prompting for a password, you have to set the Windows Password
to nothing. AS/400 security does not allow a null password. So if you
want the mileage server PC to reconnect automatically after a power
outage, you cannot use the Windows Password option.