PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
Switch. Mileages will only be returned if the PC*MILER Version trip
parameter is valid. The default name must match one of the key names.
Be careful of editing the Key Names like [PCMiler 150], these values have
to match those set in srv32.ini under [multiversion].
Step 4.3: Edit \AlkMvs\Pcmmv.ini to point to your various
instances of PC*MILER|TC/PIP Connect.
If you are going to run each instance of PC*MILER|TCP/IP Connect on a
single PC, you can skip this step.
Pcmmv.ini is used to locate the various instances of PC*MILER|TCP/IP
Connect. By default Pcmmv.ini is pointing to local copies via the loop
back address. If you are using multiple PCs you will have to change the
loop back ( to the IP address or the computer name of the
remote PC. If you are having trouble connecting on a computer name, you
will have to map that computer’s name to its IP address in
If your system has a conflict with the default port number, you will have to
change the port number in pcmmv.ini and in the batch file that is used to
start up PC*MILER|TCP/IP Connect.
(See Step 4.4).
Step 4.4.
The various instances of PC*MILER|TC/PIP Connect need to be started
before starting the PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch executable.
The best way to do this is via a batch file. A working copy of one is
installed in C:\AlkMvs called StartMvs.bat.
StartMvs.bat is setup for running all four versions of PC*MILER on the
same PC. If you do not have a particular version, you will have to remove
it from StartMvs.bat.
Note: Each version of pcmsock.exe has been renamed with its version
number appended so that the versions are distinguishable in the Windows
Task Manager.
Note: The second parameter passed to pcmsock1x.exe is the Port
Number, if you change these values you must change the values in