ALK Technologies AS/400 Switch User Manual

PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
3.3 PC Side Installation
The PC Side of the PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch installation
is a multi-faceted process. The installation varies depending on the
number of versions of PC*MILER and PC*MILER|Streets involved and the
number of mileage server PCs that will be used.
Generally installations can be performed in less than half an hour if you
strictly follow the instructions. Failure to follow instructions can result in
hours of trouble-shooting with the possibility of multiple reboots.
The installation and operation of the product is made easier if you use of
one quality desktop PC dedicated to running only PC*MILER|AS/400
Multiple Version Switch. Configuration time is minimized and the product
can be launched automatically.
For multiple PC installations, the increase in network traffic is minimal for
mileage requests: less than 0.3KB per request and generally no larger
than 35KB for turn-by-turn Driving Directions. Performance between
versions is not equal. ALK’s highway networks have become more
detailed over time, which has slowed down processing a bit. Version 17 is
the slowest, followed by 16.x. Versions 14 & 15 are roughly egual.
Depending on lookup volume, you may be able to combine versions 14
and 15 on one PC and dedicate one PC each to versions 16 and 17.
Another thing to consider is that when starting the product, as described
below, you will have to launch an instance of PC*MILER|TCP/IP Connect
on every PC.
PC Side
Essentially the PC side of the PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch
installation can be broken down into two parts:
PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch (as400.exe) which reads
mileage requests from a request data queue on the AS/400, and at least
one instance of PC*MILER|TCP/IP Connect (pcmsock.exe) which
provides the mileage and routing information for as400.exe to return to a
response data queue on the AS/400.
Each instance of PC*MILER|TCP/IP Connect needs its own copy of the
PC*MILER desktop application. This installation provides the highway
network database and a mechanisim for editing custom routing features.