PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
Step 3.2
Unzip the correct version of the TCP/IP file for your version. The self-
extracting zip files are set to unzip to the default locations. If you installed
your PC*MILER to non-default locations, you will have to redirect the
extractions In the winzip windows. If you redirect the extractions, be sure
to include a folder called ‘Tcpip’ below the top level of your PC*MILER
Step 3.3
For Versions 16.1 and 17.0 extract the correct support files.
For16App.exe and for17App.exe.
If you installed your PC*MILER to non-default locations you will have to
redirect the extractions in the winzip windows. These files must be
extracted to the App subfolder of your PC*MILER V16.1 or V17.0
Step 4: Configuring PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version
Step 4.1: Edit \AlkMvs\Srv32.ini
You will need to complete the following with the IP Address or System
Name of your AS/400 and the User Profile and Password that the PC will
be using for the AS/400 signon.
; IP Address or System Name of AS/400
;User Profile
Save your changes and exit srv32.ini.
Step 4.2: Edit \AlkMvs\pcmmv.ini to set default PC*MILER
Set the default version of PC*MILER under the Default Key. The default
version is necessary for starting PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version