PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
PCMS_CLOSINGERROR 126 Server did not shut down
PCMS_NORTENGINE 127 Server could not properly
initialize internal routing
PCMS_NODATASERVER 128 Server could not properly
initialize internal routing
Error Codes
Error Codes Value Message
PCMS_INVALIDPTR 101 Invalid pointer
PCMS_NOINIFILE 102 The INI file was not found
PCMS_LOADINIFILE 103 Could not load the INI file
PCMS_LOADGEOCODE 104 Could not load location database
PCMS_LOADNETWORK 105 Could not load the network database
PCMS_MAXTRIPS 106 Too many open trips (limit=8)
PCMS_INVALIDTRIP 107 Invalid trip ID
PCMS_INVALIDSERVER 108 Invalid server ID
PCMS_BADROOTDIR 109 Invalid RootDir setting in INI file
PCMS_BADMETANETDIR 110 Invalid MetaNetDir setting in INI file
PCMS_NOLICENSE 111 License infraction: too many users, or
licenses not found
PCMS_TRIPNOTREADY 112 The trip is not ready to calculate
PCMS_INVALIDPLACE 113 Invalid place name (city, state not found)
PCMS_ROUTINGERROR 114 Calculation failed: portions of trip are
PCMS_OPTERROR 115 Optimization failed: portions of the trip
are invalid
PCMS_OPTHUB 116 Cannot optimize a trip in HUB mode
PCMS_OPT2STOPS 117 Not enough stops to optimize the trip
PCMS_OPT3STOPS 118 Not enough stops to optimize without
changing destination
PCMS_NOTENOUGHSTOPS 119 Not enough stops to calculate the trip
PCMS_BADNETDIR 120 Bad network directory
PCMS_LOADGRIDNET 121 Error loading gridded network
PCMS_BADOPTIONDIR 122 Bad option directory
PCMS_DISCONNECTEDNET 123 Disconnected network
Truck inaccessible stop
Invalid region ID
PCMS_CLOSINGERROR 126 Closing error