PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
7.0 Using PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch With
Other Transportation Software
PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch is a modified version of
PC*MILER|AS/400-Connect. PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch
has an additional trip parameter available that enables the user to specify
or “Switch” between various versions of PC*MILER. Currently PC*MILER
versions 14.x, 15.x, 16.x, and 17.x are supported.
PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch is licensed in addition to any
PC*MILER versions a company has purchased. All supported versions
may not be available. You will have to make use of the “MV” request to
verify what versions are available. Passing Blanks will result in the return
of an error. There is no support for a default version.
Notes for All Users:
• Changes to route types and jurisdiction codes are not unified (see
chart below).
• Use of Comma between city and jurisdiction code not unified (see
chart below).
• All HS (highway segment) turn by turn driving instructions are
uniform at the Version 16.x level.
• Override Route Restrictions option not uniformly available(see
chart below).
• Versions 16.x and 17.x have more detailed highway networks and
therefore have slower response times. You may have to adjust your
wait times accordingly.
Notes For Existing PC*MILER|AS/400 Connect Users:
• A set of 10 new trip parameters has been inserted into all of the
request and response packets.
• Output Data Queues sizes were lengthened from 1024 to 1034.
• Data Area “Comalk” was modified to store a default PC*MILER
• “Old mode” or short city names (22 characters) are not supported.
• Graphics (maps) are not supported.
⇒ NOTE: For Version 17, the routing type options have changed for National
Network, Toll Discouraged, and 53’ Trailer routing. These three ‘special’