PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
The PC Mileage Server can respond to a total of five types of Mileage
VN = Version of PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple Version Switch being used
by the server
Æ MV = Versions of PC*MILER Highway Data available.
VA = Validation that a stop (City, ZIP code, etc.) is recognized by
PC*MILER or a list of possible matches to a partial city or ZIP code
MI = Total mileage for up to 30 stops
SM = Total mileage for up to 30 stops broken down by state or province
HS = Turn-by-turn driving instructions for up to 30 stops
The PC Mileage Server responds with the following types of returns:
VR – Version of PC*MILER or PC*MILER|Streets running on the PC
Æ NS – Version(s) of PC*MILER running available.
PL – Good/Bad Stop or a ‘pick list’ of potential matches
CP – Total Miles for a trip
SR – Total Miles for a trip broken down by state or province
HR – Turn-by-turn driving instructions or “highway segments”
VN returns a VR
MV returns a NS
VA returns a PL
MI returns a CP
SM returns a CP and an SR.
HS returns a CP, an SR and an HR
7.2 Request and Response Field Parameters
The following sections specify the field parameters for the request types
defined in section 7.1 and the responses to each request type.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When using PC*MILER|Streets, the best matching
for address location lookups can be accomplished using the guidelines
stated below. These rules apply to batch or interactive integration. It is
recommended that a validation (VA) request always precede each
mileage request, especially where street addresses are included, in
order to avoid misleading or incomplete output.
• When you input a street address, use a city and state abbreviation
whenever possible.
Example: Princeton, NJ;1000 Herrontown Road – The comma
between the city and state is optional. The semicolon between the
state abbreviation and the street address is required.