
PC*MILER|AS/400 MVS User’s Guide
Note: The requirements for commas between the city name and the jurisdiction
code vary with the requested PC*MILER Version. For Version 14.x and 15.x a
comma is required, e.g. Princeton,NJ. For Versions 16.x and 17.x you can
use a comma or a space, e.g. Princeton, NJ or Princeton<space>NJ.
Request Type: “MI”, the default entry, will cause PC*MILER (or
PC*MILER|Streets) to generate only point-to-point mileage look-ups.
“SM” will cause PC*MILER to generate a summary of miles traveled
through each state, broken down by toll roads and free roads, in addition
to the point-to-point mileage. “HS” will cause PC*MILER to generate
detailed driving instructions, in addition to the state mileage summary and
point-to-point mileage look-up.
Graphics requests: Are not supported in PC*MILER|AS/400 Multiple
Version Switch.
Routing Type: Varies with the Version Requested.
For Versions 14.x & 15.x the options are:
P (Practical) S (Shortest) N (National Network) T (Toll Discouraged)
For Version 16.x:
P (Practical) S (Shortest) N (National Network) T (Toll Discouraged)
5 (Fifty-three Foot Trailer)
For Version 17.x:
Either Practical or Shortest routing can now be combined with other
available PC*MILER routing options (Toll Discouraged, National Network,
or 53’ Trailer). You must specify either P (Practical ) or S (Shortest) for all
routes. (Refer to the main PC*MILER User’s Guide for more detailed
descriptions of these routing options.) See Chapter 7, Using PC*MILER
With Other Transportation Software for details on using this new
functionality with other software packages.
Route options are described below:
Toll Discouraged: Version 17 Only “T” will cause PC*MILER to
generate miles which avoid long stretches of toll roads. You will receive
either a Practical Toll Discouraged Route, or a Shortest Toll
Discouraged Route depending on how you have your “Routing Type”