Chapter 7: Virtual Media Guide 98
2. To map a physical drive as a virtual media drive, complete the following steps:
a. In the Virtual Media window, select the Mapped checkbox next to the drive or drives you
want to map.
b. To limit the mapped drive to read-only access, select the Read Only checkbox next to the
drive prior to mapping the drive. If the virtual media session settings were previously
configured so that all mapped drives must be read-only, this checkbox is already enabled
and cannot be changed.
Select the Read Only checkbox if the session settings enabled read and write access, but
you want to limit the access of a particular drive to read-only.
3. To add and map an ISO or diskette image as a virtual media drive, complete the following
a. In the Virtual Media window, click Add Image.
b. The Common File Chooser window opens and displays the directory containing disk
image files (ending in .iso or .img). Select an ISO or diskette image file and click Open.
c. The file header is checked to make sure it is correct. If it is, the Common File Chooser
window closes and the chosen image file opens in the Virtual Media window, where it can
be mapped by selecting the Mapped checkbox.
d. Repeat steps a through c for all ISO or diskette images you want to add. You can add any
number of image files (up to the limits imposed by memory), but you can only have one
virtual CD or virtual mass storage device mapped concurrently.
If you attempt to map too many drives (one CD and one mass storage device) or too many
drives of a particular type (more than one CD or mass storage device), a message is displayed.
If you still want to map a new drive, you must first unmap an existing mapped drive, then map
the new drive.
After a physical drive or image is mapped, it can be used on the target device.
To unmap a virtual media drive:
1. Eject the mapped drive from the target device.
2. In the virutal media window, clear the mapped checkbox.
To display virtual media drive details:
1. In the Virtual Media window, click Details. The window expands to display the Details table.
Each row provides the following information about the virtual media drive:
• Target Drive - Name used for the mapped drive, such as Virtual CD 1.
• Mapped to - Identical to Drive information listed in the Client View Drive column.
• Read Bytes and Write Bytes - Amount of data transferred since the mapping.
• Duration - Elapsed time since the drive was mapped.
2. To close the Details view, click Details again.