Avery 7411 Printer User Manual

Sets print server to factory defaults.
Enables or disables firmware reload after exit.
SET LOAD HOst <name>
Sets node name of boot host (NetWare firmware load).
SET LOAD IP aa.bb.cc.dd
Sets IP address of load host (TCP/IP firmware load).
SET LOAD SOftware <filename>
Sets print server’s firmware filename to load.
SET PAssword
Sets console password. The user is prompted for old password, new password,
and to verify new password. The default password is access.
Note: The password is case-sensitive.
SET PROTect <password>
Sets the update password.
SET SERVEr DEscription
Sets mode description to string displayed with SHOW SERVER command.
SET SERVEr NAme <name>
Sets server node name.
SET SERVIce <servicename> <protocol> [EN/DI]
Enables or disables specified protocol on specified service.
SET SERVIce <servicename> NAme <newname>
Changes service name.
SET SERVIce <servicename> REceive [EN/DI]
Sets receive only mode on specified service.
SET SERVIce <servicename> TCP nn
Sets TCP port number of service.
SHow FATal
Shows the fatal error log.
6-6 Ethernet Operating Instructions