Operators Manual
ALS 330/430
Release 4/06 Page 31 Operation
4.4.3 Display and data input
The operator panel controls the operation of the machine. Data can be displayed and changed.
The displays have different meanings:
Parameter selection:
In the display a parameter is shown, e.g. POS, STAD, or PD02 (product menu no. 02). By
pressing the keys FUNCTION another parameter can be selected. By pressing the key
ENTER the data is displayed.
Data display:
The display shows the values of the parameters (e.g. 0123) or possible adjustments e.g.
(AUTO). Pressing the FUNCTION keys changes the data value. By pressing the key
ENTER the data input is completed and a new parameter is shown.
Error display:
If the display shows e.g. E__XX, the dispenser has recognised an error. A warning is shown
by W_XX. As soon as the error has been corrected, you may erase the message by
pressing the key ENTER and you will get back to the status the machine was in before the
error was indicated.
Note: Data entered in the standard menu are not stored, if the machine is switched off. If you
need to store data you have to use the extended menu. Please check if it is of help for you
using the product menu in your application.
Display Menu function Function data value
ON Labeller ready
OFF Label function suspend
POS label position on product Up to 999.9 mm
STOD Label stop position at the
dispensing edge
Depends on setting of DIST, Label
length and RAMP
VELO Dispensing speed ALS 330: 0.2 ... 25.0 m/min
ALS 430: 0.2 ... 18.0 m/min
STAD delay time before labelling starts 0,1 ... 999,9 ms
BLOW apply time 0,1 ... 999,9 ms
INIT Initialisation of label material
(CONT and LPIT are measured
according to label size)
Appears after E__0, E__1 and Power
on + FEED key depressed, or if the
values of CONT and LPIT are
Dispenser active ___________________________________________________ ON
The dispenser is able to dispense labels.