Brother 2170W Printer User Manual

(2) Counter information, history information
The counter and history information related to the following term are included.
When it reaches the maximum count, each term is no longer counted.
Page Count The total number of printed pages . The maximum
count is 1 million pages.
Total Pages Printed The number of times that each of the Tray1 and
Manual Feed is used. The maximum count for each
item is 1 million times. The information above is not
cleared when replacing the PF kit.
Total Pages Printed The number of A4/Letter, A4Long/Legal/Folio, B5/
Executive, Envelope, and other paper types used. The
maximum count for each item is 1 million times.
Total Pages Printed The number of Plain/Thin/Recycled, Transparencies,
Thick/Thicker/Band and Envelopes/Env. Thick/Env.
Thin types used. The maximum count for each item is
1 million times.
Total Paper Jams The number of paper jam occurrence in each of the
Tray, Inside and Rear. The paper jam occurs when the
machine is turned ON is not counted. The maximum
count for each item is 255 times.
Error History The error history including the latest 10 errors and the
number of pages when these errors occur are
indicated. The errors such as Cover Open, No Paper
and Manual Feed is not included.
Replace Count The number of replacement of each of Drum and
Toner Unit. The maximum count for each item is
65535 times.