9032295 E2
Use this guide as a reference for the 3Com PortSwitch Hubs management
software. Before using this guide, you should be familiar with SPECTRUM’s
functions and navigational techniques as described in the Administration
documentation and the Operation documentation.
For the purposes of this guide, the 3Com PortSwitch Hub is referred to as
What Is in This Guide
The organization of the
3Com PortSwitch Hubs Management Module
is as follows:
Chapter Description
Chapter 1
Describes the device, the management module,
and model types. This chapter also provides
information on accessing device specific views.
Chapter 2
Device Views
Describes the Device views representing the
Chapter 3
Configuration Views
Describes the Configuration views for the device
and the network management information
provided by these views.
Chapter 4
Event and Alarm Messages
Lists and explains the event and alarm messages
generated in the Event Log or Alarm Manager for
the device.
Chapter 5
Application Views
Describes the Application views and application-
specific information for this device.