4: Configuring the Web Interface
98 AlterPath Console Server User Manual
Ports > Physical Ports > General Port
The General form is used to define the port profile for the selected port(s).
1. From the top menu, select Ports; from the left menu, select Physical
The system invokes the General tabbed form:
2. Complete the form as follows:
3. Click on the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the ACS
configuration window to save your port settings.
Field Name Definition
Connection Protocol The connection protocol to be used by the selected
port. Choices are: Console (Telnet), Console
(SSH), Console (Raw), Telnet, SSHv1, SSHv2,
Local Terminal, Raw Socket, PPP-No Auth, PPP,
SLIP, CSLIP, and Power Management.
Alias Port alias, if applicable.
Baud Rate (Kbps) 9600 Kbps is the default rate for most servers.
Data Size The number of data bits.
Stop Bits The number of port stop bits.
Parity Port parity -- none, even, or odd.
Flow Control Choices: None, Hardware, or Software.