162 Utility
Auto Config
Auto Config is a software feature that automatically configures a switch when the device is initialized
and no configuration file is found on the switch. Auto Config is accomplished in three phases:
Assignment (configuration) of an IP address for the device
Assignment of a TFTP server
Obtaining a configuration file for the device from the TFTP server
Functional Description
The Auto Config feature initiates when a switch is turned on and the startup-config file is not found.
Auto Config is successful when a configuration file is downloaded to the switch from a TFTP server.
The Auto Config process requires DHCP to be enabled by default.
NOTE: The downloaded configuration file is not automatically saved to startup-config. An administrator must
explicitly issue a save request in order to save the configuration.
The Auto Config process depends upon the configuration of other devices in the network, including:
• DHCP or BOOTP server
•TFTP server
• DNS server (if necessary)
IP Address Assignment
If BOOTP or DHCP is enabled on the switch and an IP address has not been assigned, the switch issues
requests for an IP address assignment. The behavior of BOOTP or DHCP with respect to IP address
assignment is unchanged by the addition of the Auto Config feature. That is, the following information
returned from the server is recognized:
• IP address (yiaddr) and subnet mask (option 1) to be assigned to the switch
• IP address of a default gateway (option 3), if needed for IP communication
After an IP address is assigned to the switch, if a hostname is not already assigned, Auto Config issues a
DNS request for the corresponding hostname. This hostname is also displayed as the CLI prompt (as in
response to the hostname command).
Assignment of TFTP Server
The following information is also processed, and may be returned by a BOOTP or DHCP server:
• Name of configuration file (bootfile or option 67) available for download from the TFTP server.
• Identification of the TFTP server providing the bootfile. This can be obtained from any of the
following fields: