24 System Configuration
Example #1: Set Broadcast Storm Control for an Interface
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g17
console(config-if-1/g17)#storm-control broadcast ?
<cr> Press enter to execute the command.
level Configure storm-control thresholds.
console(config-if-1/g17)#storm-control broadcast level ?
<rate> Enter the storm-control threshold as percent of port
speed. Percent of port speed is converted to
PacketsPerSecond based on 512 byte average packet
size and applied to HW. Refer to documentation for
further details.
console(config-if-1/g17)#storm-control broadcast level 7
Example #2: Set Multicast Storm Control for an Interface
console(config-if-1/g17)#storm-control multicast level 8
Example #3: Set Unicast Storm Control for an Interface
console(config-if-1/g17)#storm-control unicast level 5