Switching Configuration 51
CLI Examples
The following are examples of the commands used in the Port Security feature.
Example #1: Enable Port Security on an Interface
console(config)#interface ethernet 1/g18
console(config-if-1/g18)#port security ?
<cr> Press enter to execute the command.
discard Discard frames with unlearned source addresses.
max Configure the maximum addresses that can be
on the port.
trap Sends SNMP Traps, and specifies the minimum time
between consecutive traps.
console(config-if-1/g18)#port security
Example #2: Show Port Security
console#show ports security ?
addresses Addresses.
ethernet Ethernet port.
port-channel Link Aggregation interface.
<cr> Press enter to execute the command.
Example #3: Show Port Security on an Interface
console#show ports security ethernet 1/g18
Port Status Action Maximum Trap Frequency
----- -------- ----------------- ------- ------- ---------
1/g18 Locked Discard 100 Disable 30