Configuring IP Routing 1065
Default IP Routing Values
Table 33-2 shows the default values for the IP routing features this chapter
Table 33-2. IP Routing Defaults
Parameter Default Value
Default Time to Live 64
Routing Mode Disabled globally and on each
ICMP Echo Replies Enabled
ICMP Redirects Enabled
ICMP Rate Limit Interval 1000 milliseconds
ICMP Rate Limit Burst Size 100
Maximum Next Hops 4
Global Default Gateway None
Dynamic ARP Entry Age Time 1200 seconds
Automatic Renewal of Dynamic ARP Entries Disabled
ARP Response Timeout 1 second
ARP Retries 4
Maximum Static ARP Entries 128
IRDP Advertise Mode Disabled
IRDP Advertise Address
IRDP Maximum Advertise Interval 600 seconds
IRDP Minimum Advertise Interval 450 seconds
IRDP Advertise Lifetime 1800 seconds
IRDP Preference Level 0