108 Hardware Overview
N3024P and N3048P
Dell Networking N3024P and N3048P switches support one or two 1100-watt
FRU power supplies. The N3024P switch is supplied with a single 715-watt
power supply (the default configuration) and supports an additional
1100-watt supply. For the N3048P switch, a single 1100-watt power supply is
supplied and another 1100 watt power supply can be added.
A single 1100-watt power supply can feed up to 24 PoE devices at full PoE+
power (950W). Dual-equipped switches will feed up to 48 PoE devices at full
PoE+ power (1800W), as well as provide power supply redundancy.
NOTE: PoE power is dynamically allocated by default. Not all ports will require the
full PoE+ power.
CAUTION: Remove the power cable from the power supplies prior to removing
the power supply module itself. Power must not be connected prior to insertion in
the chassis.
Ventilation System
Two fans cool the N3000 switches. The N3000 switches additionally have a
fan in each internal power supply. The N3000 fan is a FRU.
Information Tag
The back panel includes a slide-out label panel that contains system
information, such as the Service Tag, MAC address, and so on.