Managing General System Settings 321
Configuring the Time Manually
The commands in this example manually set the system time and date. The
time zone is set to Eastern Standard Time (EST), which has an offset of -5
hours. Summer time is enabled and uses the preconfigured United States
To configure the switch:
Configure the time zone offset and acronym.
console(config)#clock timezone -5 zone EST
Configure the summer time (daylight saving time) to use the
preconfigured settings for the United States.
console(config)#clock summer-time recurring us
Set the local time and date.
console(config)#clock set 16:13.06 03/01/2010
Verify the time settings.
console#show clock detail
00:27:19 EST(UTC-5:00) Feb 3 2039
No time source
Time zone:
Acronym is EST
Offset is UTC-5:00
Acronym not configured
Recurring every year (USA)
Begins on second Sunday of Mar at 02:00
Ends on first Sunday of Nov at 02:00
Offset is +60 minutes