Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Technical Guidebook
PowerEdge R610 with GY134 fans (quantity below), 2x 502-W KY091 Power Supplies, 2.40 GHz Quad-Core E5530
CPUs (quantity below), 2-GB DIMMs (quantity below), 1x DVD Drive, Perc 6i card, and 4x XK112 Hard Disk Drives
2x CPUs, 6x fans, 8x DIMMs
Condition in 23±2° C ambient
LwA-UL, bels LpA, dBA Tones
1.8 16 No prominent tones
5.3 35 No prominent tones
Active Hard Disk Drives
5.4 37 No prominent tones
Stressed Processor
5.3 35 No prominent tones
1x CPU, 5x fans, 4x DIMMs
5.2 34 No prominent tones
Active Hard Disk Drives
5.4 37 No prominent tones
Stressed Processor
5.2 34 No prominent tones
2x CPU plus a PERC6/E external
RAID controller
6.0 44 No prominent tones
Standby: AC Power is connected to power supply units but system is not turned on.
Idle: Reference ISO7779 (1999) denition 3.1.7; system is running in its OS but no other specic activity.
Active Hard Drives: An operating mode per ISO7779 (1999) denition 3.1.6; Section C.9 of ECMA-74
9th ed. (2005) is followed in exercising the hard disk drives.
Stressed Processor: An operating mode per ISO7779 (1999) denition 3.1.6; SPECPower set to 50%
loading is used.
LwA-UL: The upper limit sound power level (LwA) calculated per section 4.4.2 of ISO 9296 (1988) and
measured in accordance with ISO7779 (1999).
LpA: The average bystander position A-weighted sound pressure level calculated per section 4.3 of
ISO9296 (1988) and measured in accordance with ISO7779 (1999). The system is placed in a rack with
its bottom at 25 cm from the oor.
Tones: Criteria of D.5 and D.8 of ECMA-74 9th ed. (2005) are followed to determine if discrete tones are
prominent. The system is placed in a rack with its bottom at 75 cm from the oor. The acoustic trans-
ducer is at front bystander position, ref ISO7779 (1999), Section 8.6.2.