Fibre Channel FC4700 Array to IP4700 File Server Conversion Guide
Factory Initialization
16. At the fcli> prompt, type clearlog and then press <Enter>.
17. Once ALL the disk LEDs have stopped flashing, type getlog at
the fcli> prompt and then press <Enter>. Verify that all disks
report successful completion of the zero disk operation.
NOTE: If disk drives in a DAE do not report starting factory zero, verify
that both fibre loop cables are connected, as required by the internal code.
fcli> getlog ↵
Press any key to continue... (or “q” to Quit) ↵
Event Date CRU Event (Message) Extended Status
1. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_0 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
2. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_1 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
3. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_2 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
4. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_3 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
5. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_4 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
6. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_5 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
7. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_6 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
8. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_7 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
9. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_8 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
10. 03/16/01 15:48:16 0_9 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
11. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_0 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
12. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_1 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
13. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_2 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
14. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_3 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
15. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_4 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
16. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_5 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
17. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_6 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
18. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_7 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
19. 03/16/01 15:48:16 1_8 0x6fa (Factory Zero Started) 0x00
fcli > clearlog ↵