Epson 1500 Printer User Manual

If You Are New to Color Printing
Color printing with the EPSON Stylus 1500 produces amazing
images, whether you print text, graphics, line drawings,
photographs, or documents containing many different image
types. However you use color, keep the following in mind:
You need to leave a large amount of hard disk drive space
free to make room for your color images. A full-page color
photographic image, for example, may require from 10MB
to 40MB of disk space, depending on the resolution, and
sometimes more. To reduce the file size, you can decrease
the size and resolution of your images using your printer
driver and application software.
Color printing takes time because of the complex
processing required to reproduce a color image. How much
time depends on the size and type of your image, the
resolution you use, the speed of your computer, and the
interface type. (Serial printing takes longer than parallel
Your screen colors will not exactly match the printed colors
because your monitor screen and the printer use different
methods to produce the colors you see. And if you scan
images using a scanner, the image goes through another
interpretive process that also affects the color.
Monitors and scanners produce colors by combining red,
green, and blue—the RGB method. Your monitor can
produce up to 16 million colors by turning on and off the
tiny red, green, and blue phosphors contained in each pixel
on the screen. Colors produced this way differ from colors
produced by your printer’s cyan, magenta, yellow, and
black ink—the CMYK method.
Your printer driver’s
Document Type
settings help you
closely match colors as appropriate for your image type,
resolution, and paper.
Setting Up the Printer