Specifies Color (CMYK) or Monochrome printing. CMYK
refers to the printer’s colored inks: cyan (blue-green), magenta,
yellow, and black (K). These colors are combined to form any of
16 million colors. Select Color (CMYK) only if you have
installed the optional Color Upgrade Kit and your document
includes color. When you select Monochrome, the printer
prints only black ink. If you are printing a color image and
Monochrome is selected, the printer converts color data to
grayscale values.
When Automatic is selected as the document type, the ink option is
not available. To select an ink option, choose a document type other
than Automatic.
Halftoning Settings
You achieve the best halftoning results when you let the printer
driver’s Document Type setting select the appropriate
halftone method. If you selected the Automatic document
type option, the driver selects the halftone setting appropriate
to each page as it prints.
If you selected one of the other document types, the driver
selects a predefined halftone setting. If you change a
predefined halftone setting, the driver erases the currently
selected Document Type option and uses the halftone setting
you selected.
It is recommended that you set halftoning in the driver rather than
setting the halftone or dithering options in your software application.
Installing and Using the Printer Driver