Chapter 2
Installing and Using the Printer Driver
This chapter describes how to install the Windows printer
driver and use it to control printer settings such as media type,
document type, printing mode, and halftoning. (To install a
driver for DOS programs, see page 2-7.)
Installing the Windows Printer Driver
A printer driver is software that allows your computer to
control the printer. You must install the printer driver on the
Windows driver diskette that came with your printer.
Also included on the diskette are two utilities: the EPSON
Spool Manager and Printer Calibration Utility. When you
install the printer driver, they are automatically copied to your
hard disk drive. (See Chapter 3 for instructions on running
these utilities.)
It is a good idea to make a backup copy of your driver diskette.
If you are using Windows 3.1, follow the steps in the next
section to install the printer driver. If you are running
Windows 95, see page 2-4 for instructions.
Installing the Driver for Windows 3.1
Follow these steps to install the printer driver for Windows 3.1:
1. Turn on your printer and computer.
2. Make sure Windows is running.
Installing and Using the Printer Driver