Scanning to a Card 31
Scanning to a Card
Follow the instructions in this chapter to scan your photos and other documents
directly to a memory card. See these sections:
■ “Placing Your Original Document” (below)
■ “Scanning to a Card” on page 32
Placing Your Original Document
1. Open the scanner lid.
2. Place your document face-down on the glass, in the upper left corner. Move
your document about 1/8 inch from the top and side edge so your entire
document is scanned.
3. Close the scanner lid.
If you place your document against the guides, the edges next to the guides won’t be
If you need to scan a thick document, such as a book, you can remove the scanner lid
to scan. Gently press down the original to keep it flat on the document table. Be sure to
replace the scanner lid when you’re finished.
Move the document
about 1/8 inch in
from the edges