Chapter 6 Problem Solver 101
O =on, F = flashing
••• =shortseriesof beeps (three beeps),••••• =longseriesof beeps (five beeps)
State of panel
O Power
F Ready
O Offline
••• There is nopaper loaded in the slot.
Load apaper into thefrontslot.
••• Paper is not loaded correctly.
Remove the paper and reloadit correctly. See
“Loading Passbooks” on page 28, or“Loading
Single Sheets” on page 29.
••• Paper is not fully ejected.
Press the F1/Ejectbutton to ejectpaper.
••• Paper isjammed in the printer.
To clear the paper jam, see“ClearingPaper
Jams” on page 119.
O Power
O Offline
••• The printer cover isopen.
Stop the operation and close the printer cover.
O Power
F Offline
— The printheadisoverheated.
Wait for a fewminutes; the printer resumes
printingautomatically once the printhead
O Pause
F Ready
F F1/Eject
F Offline
F F2
••••• Anunknown printer error has occurred.
Turn off the printer and leaveitoff for several
minutes; then turn on the printer again.If the
errorrecurs, contactyour dealer.