Chapter 5 Control Panel 92
Print direction
You can select auto print direction (Auto), bidirectional printing
(Bi-D), or unidirectional printing (Uni-D). Printing is normally
bidirectional; however, unidirectional printing allows for precise
vertical printing alignment.
When set to Auto, the printer analyzes the data and uses
unidirectional printing for any lines which require vertical
printing alignment.
The zero character has a slash ( ) when this feature is set to On;
it has no slash (0) when set to Off. The slash allows you to easily
distinguish between the uppercase letter “O” and a zero.
This setting allows you to set one of the 12 fonts.
Pitch (cpi)
This setting allows you to set one of six pitches.
Character table
You can select among various character tables.This setting is used
when you print without using the printer driver.
When using the printer driver, change the settings on the printer
driver. For details, see “Printer Driver Settings Overview” on
page 47.
International character set for italic table
You can select among several international character sets for the
italic character table. Each character set contains eight characters
that vary depending on the country or language, so you can
customize the italic table to suit your printing needs.