EVGA Corporation 2900 Saturn St. Suite B, Brea, CA 92821
Phone: 888 / 881-EVGA - 714 / 528-4500 - Fax: 714 / 528-4501
Page 31
Advanced BIOS Features
Removable Device Priority
This option is used to select the priority for Removable device startup. After pressing
<Enter>, you can select the removable device using the <PageUp>/<PageDn> are arrow
keys, and change the removable device priority using <+> or <->.
Hard Disk Boot Priority
This option is used to select the priority for HDD startup. After pressing <Enter>, you can
select the HDD using the <PageUp>/<PageDn> are arrow keys, and change the HDD
priority using <+> or <->.
Network Boot Priority
This option is used to select the priority for Network startup. After pressing <Enter>, you
can select the Network using the <PageUp>/<PageDn> are arrow keys, and change the
Network priority using <+> or <->.
CPU Internal Cache
This option enables or disables the CPU internal caches.
Quick Power On Self Test
Enable to reduce the time for power on self test
First/Second/Third Boot Device
This option allows you to set the boot device’s sequence.
Boot Other Device
With this function set to enable, the system will boot from some other devices if the first/
second/thrist boot devices failed.
Boot Up NumLock Status
This item defines if the keyboard Num Lock key is active when your system is started.
Security Option
When it is set to “Setup”, a password is required to enter the CMOS Setup screen; When it
is set to “System”, a password is required not only to
enter CMOS setup, but also to
start up your PC.
This option is used to enabled or disable APIC function.
MPS Version Control for OS
This option is used to setup the version of MPS Table used in NT4.0 OS.
Full Screen Logo Show
This option allows you to enabled or disable to full-screen logo.