Performance Specifications
This section describes the performance specifications for the tape
Write and Read Access Times
the WRITE command (that is, when the initiator de-asserts ACK) and
ends when the tape drive asserts REQ to request that the initiator
transfer the first data byte across the SCSI bus.
Read access time starts when the tape drive receives the last byte of
the READ command (that is, when the initiator de-asserts ACK) and
ends when the tape drive asserts REQ to indicate that it is ready to
transfer the first data byte across the SCSI bus to the initiator.
Write and read access times depend on whether the tape drive is
operating in start/stop mode or streaming mode.
Mode Typical write access
Typical read access
1.7 msec 1.8 msec
Streaming 3.1 msec 3.2 msec
Note: Themeasurementofwriteaccesstimedoesnotincludethe
initial WRITE command received after the mode is changed
from read to write.
Table 6-1 Typical write and read access times
6-2 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 510504
(Standard and XL)
6 Functional Specifications