Tape Speed
Table 6-2 lists the nominal tape speed at which data can be written
and read by the tape drives.
Format Speed
EXB-8205 and EXB-8205XL EXB-8505 and EXB-8505XL
8500c — 11.079 mm/sec (0.436
8500 —
11.079 mm/sec (0.436 inch/sec)
11.633 mm/sec (0.458 inch/sec)
File-Search Tape Speed
Table 6-3 lists forward and backward file-search tape speeds for the
tape drives. These high-speed search times occur when the initiator
issues a LOCATE command (for tapes written in 8200c, 8500, or 8500c
formats) or a SPACE command (for all formats).
Format Forward Speed Backward Speed
EXB-8205 and
EXB-8505 and
EXB-8205 and
EXB-8505 and
8500c — 831 mm/sec max
(32.7 inch/sec)
— 831 mm/sec max
(32.7 inch/sec)
8500 — —
831 mm/sec max (32.7 inch/sec) 831 mm/sec max (32.7 inch/sec)
8200 116 mm/sec (4.58 inch/sec) 87.25 mm/sec (3.45 inch/sec)
8500, 8500c, and 8200c Formats
If the tape is written in 8500, 8500c, or 8200c formats, the tape drive
can perform forward and backward file-search operations at up to 75
times the nominal tape speed.
Table 6-2 Nominal tape speed
Table 6-3 File-search tape speeds
May 1994 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 6-3
(Standard and XL)
6 Functional Specifications