3. At the
prompt, enter the IP address of the PC1 unit. (The default IP address is If the address was changed in the setup or configuration process, use
the new address.) Telnet defaults to port 23.
Figure 39. Connecting to the IP Address
4. If passwords were set up for the connected system, you are prompted to log in as an
administrator or a user. Otherwise, the system responds with a carriage return and line
feed (<CR/LF).
5. Once you are connected, you can enter SIS commands as desired; for example, 1*1PC
(power on) or 1*0PC (power off). See the “SIS Programming and Control” section
for more information on entering SIS commands.
6. When you are nished entering commands to the interface, enter Ctrl+] at the
command prompt to exit Telnet.
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