Extron electronic IPL T PC1 Power Supply User Manual

Symbol Definitions
CR/LF (carriage return + line feed) (hex 0D 0A)
Soft carriage return (no line feed, hex 0D)
(For web browser commands, use the | [pipe] character instead of the soft return.)
= Pipe (vertical bar) character
= Space
superscript indicates commands that give an E24 (privilege violation) message if you are not logged in at the
administrator level.
Escape key (hex 1B) (For web browsers, use W instead of E. )
Power receptacle (1-4)
= Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset value
(-12.00 to +14.00) represents the time difference in hours and minutes (±hh:mm) relative to Greenwich, England. The
plus sign and leading zero are optional. For example, 5:30 = +05:30.)
= On or Off status
0 = off or disable
1 = on or enable
= Dirty memory status
1 = RAM needs to be saved to flash memory.
0 = RAM has been saved to flash (OK to power off or reset).
= Current threshold sense
0 = clear or none
1 = standby
2 = full
(Full threshold must be set before standby.)
= Group number
0 = none
1 = yellow
2 = green
3 = red
(The exponent designates the port number. The color relates to setting groups via the front panel.)
Version (typically listed to two decimal places, that is, n.nn)
Unit name. The name of the PC1 is a text string of up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9),
and minus sign or hyphen (-). No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name. No distinction is made
between upper and lower case.
NOTE: The first character must be a letter. The last character must not be a minus sign or hyphen.
= Local date and time format
Set format (MM/DD/YY-HH:MM:SS).
Example: 11/18/03-10:54:00.
Read format (day of week, day month year HH:MM:SS).
Example: Tue, 18 Nov 2011 18:19:33.
IP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn). Leading zeros in each of four fields are optional in setting values, and they are
suppressed in returned values.
E-mail domain name (for example: extron.com)
Power-up delay between ports in 1/3-second increments. 1-255 permitted.
(Default is 3, which equals 1 second.)
IPL T PC1 • SIS Programming and Control 50