Boot Menu
The Boot menu is used to set the priority of boot drives.
Select Boot using the ← or → key to display the Boot menu.
Details on setup items
● Quick Boot
This item sets whether to reduce the time after the personal computer is turned on or
rebooted until the OS is loaded.
- Disabled
The time to load the OS is not reduced.
- Enabled (Initial value)
The time to load the OS is reduced.
If an error occurs in POST at boot, quick boot is not performed at next boot.
F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/Space Change Value F9 Setup Defaults
ESCExit ←→ Select Menu Enter Select :Sub-MenuF10Save and Exit
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
Main Advanced Security Power Boot Info Exit
QuickBoot: [Enabled]
Boot-time Diagnostic Screen: [Disabled]
Preboot Execution Environment: [Disabled]
Delay Time for ATA/ATAPI Drive: [3 seconds]
:Boot Device Priority
Item Specific Help
Some diagnostic tests
may be skipped while
booting to speed up.
All diagnostic tests
will be done.
Diagnostic tests will
be automatically
skipped or done
according to the
order of the ACPI OS.