S Register Table 87
S Register Table 9
Default is North America. The shaded portions of the table are stored with AT&W command.
Reg Function Units Default Range
S0 Auto answer ring number Rings 000 000-255
S1 Ring counter. Read only. Rings 000 000-255
S2 Escape character ASCII 043 000-128
S3 Carriage return character (CR) ASCII 013 000-127
** S4 Line feed character (LF) ASCII 010 000-127
S5 Backspace character (BS) ASCII 008 000-032
S6 Wait time for dial tone. sec 002 002-065
S7 Wait time for dial tone. sec 050 001-255
S8 Pause for dial delay modifier “,”. sec 002 002-065
* S10 Carrier loss Disconnect time. 100ms 020 001-255
S11 DTMF Dialing speed. 1ms 095 050-150
S12 Escape prompt delay. 20ms 050 000-255
S14 General bit mapped options status. (Read only)
0: Enable short form result codes ATV0 Bit 3
1: Enable long form result codes. ATV1
0: 10PPS AT&P0,
Bit 6
1: 20PPS AT&P2
S21 General bit mapped options status (Read only)
0: DTR behavior. AT&D0 Bits 4, 3
1: DTR behavior. AT&D1
2: DTR behavior. AT&D2
3: DTR behavior. AT&D3
0: DCD behavior. Bit 5
1: DCD behavior.
“*” : These S-registers are country-specific.
“**” : These return to default value by &W command
“*JP” : Default for Japan mode