S Register Table 88
S22 Results bit mapped options status (Read only)
0: Displays “CONNECT” ATX0 Bits 6-4
4: Displays “CONNECT xxx” ATX1
5: ATX1 mode + dial tone detection ATX2
6: ATX1 mode + busy tone detection ATX3
7: ATX1 mode + dial & busy tone detection ATX4
0: 33% Make/Break ratio AT&P1,
Bit 7
1: 39% Make/Break ratio AT&P0
S24 Timer to control sleep mode.
000 = disable
sec 010 000,
S37 Dial line rate.
=0 Maximum modem speed
=1 Reserved
=2 1200 bits/s and 75 bits/s
=3 300 bits/s
=4 Reserved
=5 1200 bits/s
=6 2400 bits/s
=7 4800 bits/s
=8 7200 bits/s
=9 9600 bits/s
=10 12000 bits/s
=11 14400 bits/s
=12 16800 bits/s
=13 19200 bits/s
=14 21600 bits/s
=15 24000 bits/s
=16 26400 bits/s
=17 28800 bits/s
=18 31200 bits/s
=19 33600 bits/s