Fujitsu MCJ3230SS Computer Drive User Manual

4.3 SCSI Commands
C156-E224-01EN 4-37
4.3.21 FORMAT UNIT command
Table 4.60 FORMAT UNIT command
0 Operation Code (04h)
FmtData CmpList
Defect List Format
2 Reserved 0 0
3-4 Interleave
The FORMAT UNIT command physically formats media according to the
specified parameter values.
If the FmtData bit is 1, a FORMAT UNIT parameter list must be transferred. The
command ignores Defect List Format. If the FmtData bit is 0, the command
formats the media according to the internal default values without transferring a
FORMAT UNIT parameter list. The command ignores the CmpList bit.
The command always uses the internal default value for Interleave even if a value
is specified for it.
Table 4.61 FORMAT UNIT parameter list
0-3 Defect List Header
Table 4.62 Defect List Header
7654321 0
1 Reserved DCRT Reserved
IMMED Reserved
2-3 Defect List Length
If the Disable Certification (DCRT) bit is 1, the ODD formats the media without
checking it. If the Immediate (IMMED) bit is 1, the ODD responds with end of
processing immediately after command reception and before formatting is
completed. The Ready bit of the Status register is set to 0 during formatting and
set to 1 at the completion of formatting.
Defect List Length must be set to 0. If a value other than 0 is specified, the
command assumes that 0 was specified.