4.6 Packet Commands
C156-E227-01EN 4-59
Table 4.67 Inactivity Timer Multiplier values
Inactivity Time Multiplier Minimum period beginning from when access
command ends until entry to standby mode
0h Infinite
1h 125 ms
2h 250 ms
3h 500 ms
4h 1 s
5h 2 s
6h 4 s
7h 8 s
8h 16 s
9h 32 s
Ah 1 min
Bh 2 min
Ch 4 min
Dh 8 min
Eh 16 min
Fh 32 min
When the Disable Media Access until Power cycle (DISP) bit is 1, the command
responds with Not Ready to any command from the host until power-off or
hardware reset. The ODD does not support the DISP function.
When the Software Write Protect until Power-down (SWPP) bit is 1, the write-
protect state is entered.
The DISP and SWPP bit values cannot be saved. The ODD does not support the
SWPP function.
Timer & Protect Page can be saved.