Restricted A164-0CG-1.00-2
Chapter 8: Configuring the A164DTBL
Configuration Table
This chapter describes the configurable parameters in the Data Records Table (A164DTBL).
8.1 General Information
The A164DTBL table provides information on each data record being written to the data Table
of the BECO2200 M-0420 Multifunction Relay. Each record defines a value, table type, and the
table point number that value will be written to in the data table.
8.2 Description of Fields
Where applicable, Table 9 describes the field name, range, special case, and typical value for
each field of the A164DTBL table. Following the table is a textual description of each field’s
Field Range Special Typical
Table Type 00..8 N/A N/A
Point Number 00..255 N/A N/A
Data Value -32768..32767 N/A N/A
Table 9 BECO2200 DCA A164DTBL Configuration Table