F 1 0 Restart After Momentary Power Failure
It is possible to select whether or not to restart operation when power supply is resumed after
momentary power failure.
0 Inactive While stopped: Stopped condition is maintained even after power supply
has been restored.
While running: After power supply has been restored. LU is lit and an alarm
is outputted.
1 Active Operation is restarted in 0.5s after power supply has been restored.
(When drive is stopped, it is maintained in the stopped condition even after
power supply has been restored).
This is valid only if power supply is restored while LU is lit. The length of
time that LU will remain lit after a power failure occurs is as follows.
F 1 1 Gain for Frequency Setting Signal
Outputs a frequency which is a proportional ratio of the analog frequency setting.
Selects an analog input signal level when F O 1 is _ _ 1.
0 Maximum frequency is outputted at 10V
1 Maximum frequency is outputted at 5V
When used together with the frequency setting bias,
this frequency setting gain takes priority, and the
bias applied to the frequency after the gain has
been applied.
F 1 2 DC Brake
The current level of DC brake can be set.
Taking the rated current of the drive as 100%, this current level can be set in increments of 1%.
F 1 3 DC Brake (Braking Time)
The DC braking time can be set.
0.0 Inactive
0.1 - 30.0 Braking time can be set within a
range of 0.1 to 30s (in increments of 0.1s)
5V 10V
Frequency setting
Analog input
1 DC braking
3 Hz
Drive Model F12 F25 F50 001 002
Time(s) 0.7 0.7 1.4 1.4 4.0