N501 User
s Manua
The keyboard does not respond.
Try attaching an external keyboard to the USB connector on your notebook
computer G-MAX N501’s left or rear.
If it works, contact your dealer or an authorized service center as the internal
keyboard cable may be loose.
The printer does not work.
Check the following:
• Make sure that the printer is connected to a power outlet and it is turned
• Make sure the printer cable is connected securely to your notebook
computer G-MAX N501’s port and the corresponding port on the printer.
I want to set up my location to use the internal modem.
To properly use your communications software (e.g., HyperTerminal), you
need to set up your location:
Open the Windows Control Panel and double-click on the Modems icon.
Click on Dialing Properties and begin setting up your location.
Refer to the Windows manual.
Why can’t I charge my battery to 100% charged when it is
99-95% charged?
To preserve the life of the battery, the system only lets you charge the battery
when its capacity falls below 95%. However, it is recommended that you bring
an extra battery and let the battery in the system use up its power before
charging it.