HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3000 Series Printer User Manual

Event Log
The Event Log screen shows the most recent product events, including jams, service errors, and other
printer errors. The following illustration and table describe how to use this screen.
Figure 2-5 Event Log screen
Table 2-5 Event Log
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
1 Current Engine Cycles Shows the number of engine cycles that the product has completed to date.
2 Number Lists the order in which the errors occurred. The last error to occur has the
highest number.
3 Date and Time Lists the date and time for each event logged.
4 Engine Cycles Shows the number of engine cycles that the product had completed when the
error occurred. The product completes one engine cycle for every Letter/A4-
size page side that it prints or copies.
5 Event Shows the internal event code for each event.
6 Description or Personality Shows a brief description of some events.
ENWW Event Log 15
Information tab