HP (Hewlett-Packard) 35s Calculator User Manual

Programming Techniques 14-11
Flag 10 controls program execution of equations:
When flag 10 is clear (the default state), equations in running programs are
evaluated and the result put on the stack.
When flag 10 is set, equations in running programs are displayed as
messages, causing them to behave like a VIEW statement:
1. Program execution halts.
2. The program pointer moves to the next program line.
3. The equation is displayed without affecting the stack. You can clear the
display by pressing
or . Pressing any other key executes that
key's function.
4. If the next program line is a PSE instruction, execution continues after a
1–second pause.
The status of flag 10 is controlled only by execution of the SF and CF
operations from the keyboard, or by SF and CF statements in programs.
Flag 11 controls prompting when executing equations in a program — it
doesn't affect automatic prompting during keyboard execution:
When flag 11 is clear (the default state), evaluation, SOLVE, and FN of
equations in programs proceed without interruption. The current value of each
variable in the equation is automatically recalled each time the variable is
encountered. INPUT prompting is not affected.
When flag 11 is set, each variable is prompted for when it is first
encountered in the equation. A prompt for a variable occurs only once,
regardless of the number of times the variable appears in the equation.
When solving, no prompt occurs for the unknown; when integrating, no
prompt occurs for the variable of integration. Prompts halt execution. Pressing
resumes the calculation using the value for the variable you keyed in, or
the displayed (current) value of the variable if is your sole response to
the prompt.
Flag 11 is automatically cleared after evaluation, SOLVE, or
FN of an equation in a program. The status of flag 11 is also controlled by
execution of the SF and CF operations from the keyboard, or by SF and CF
statements in programs.