14-16 Programming Techniques
Use the above program to see the different forms of fraction display:
Branching backwards — that is, to a label in a previous line — makes it possible to
execute part of a program more than once. This is called looping.
(In RPN mode)
Display: Description:
Executes label F; prompts for a
fractional number (V).
Stores 2.53 in V; prompts for
denominator (D).
Stores 16 as the /c value. Displays
message, then the decimal number.
Message indicates the fraction
format (denominator is no greater
than 16), then shows the fraction.
indicates that the numerator is "a
little below" 8.
Message indicates the fraction
format (denominator is factor of 16),
then shows the fraction.
Message indicates the fraction
format (denominator is 16), then
shows the fraction.
Stops the program and clears flag