Page 16-8
5. T-INT: 1
.: Single sample confidence interval for the population mean,
for small samples with unknown population variance.
6. T-INT: µ1−µ2.: Confidence interval for the difference of the population
means, µ
- µ
, for small samples with unknown population variances.
Example 1
– Determine the centered confidence interval for the mean of a
population if a sample of 60 elements indicate that the mean value of the
sample is x = 23.2, and its standard deviation is s = 5.2. Use α = 0.05.
The confidence level is C = 1-α = 0.95.
Select case 1 from the menu shown above by pressing
. Enter the values
required in the input form as shown:
Press @HELP to obtain a screen explaining the meaning of the confidence
interval in terms of random numbers generated by a calculator. To scroll
down the resulting screen use the down-arrow key
. Press @@@OK@@@ when
done with the help screen. This will return you to the screen shown above.
To calculate the confidence interval, press @@@OK@@@. The result shown in the
calculator is:
to see a graphical display of the confidence interval information: