Full menu mode
Default: 7586,
Device setup
Company confidential. Murillo/Ravillo User’s Guide. Final Freeze Status: Frozen
This is the cyan on page 7-7 (seq: 153)
This is the black on page 7-7 (seq: 153)
Changing the Graphics Language Setting for a
Different Application
Your software application communicates with the plotter by a graphics language.
The plotter supports HP industry standard CAD language
HP-GL/2 (7856)
HP-GL (7586B)
The plotter’s default setting is designed to work successfully with most
applications, and is called 7586, HP-GL/2. However, it’s possible that with some
older or less common applications, you may need to change this setting to
HP-GL/2, as explained in the table below.
To Change the Graphics Language Setting
7586, HP-GL/2 This should work successfully for most software applications.
With this graphics language setting another parameter is
available: Terminator. Try changing this setting from Normal
(the default) to Special:
D if you are using an obsolete HP 7586 (pen plotter) driver,
and your plots are incomplete.
HP-GL/2 Try this setting:
D if you have experienced plot position problems.
D if you have experienced timing problems.
However, if you choose this setting, you don’t have access to
the Terminator option.
Reconfiguring Your Plotter
Changing the Graphics Language Setting for a Different Application